The Access mobile app, used in conjunction with the R365 mobile app, provides employees with a direct payment method via a virtual debit card. This article provides a walkthrough of the onboarding process. For information about onboarding in the R365 mobile app, see R365 App: Employee Onboarding.

Create an account in the R365 mobile app.
Complete Step 1: About You.
  1. In the First Name and Last Name fields, enter the new user's first and last name.
  2. In the Mobile Phone Number field, enter the phone number that should be used to contact the user with information about the account.
  3. In the Email field, enter the email address that should be used to contact the user with information about the account.
  4. In the Date of Birth field, enter the date on the user's birth certificate.
  5. From the Nationality drop-down, select the country of which the user is a citizen.
  6. In the Social Security Number field, enter the user's social security number. 
  7. In the Income section, select the range which best matches the user's gross household income. Then, use the Source of Income drop-down to select the primary source of income
  8. Please review the documents by selecting the links on the screen and select the checkbox to agree to R365's terms and conditions for using the mobile app.
  9. Select Continue to move on to Step 2 - Documents.

    Important Note: Consent is required to allow payment through Access. If the user does not agree to any of the terms and conditions stated in these documents, the manager and employee should discuss an alternate method of payment. 

Complete Step 2: Documents.
  1. On the Phone verification screen, enter the verification code that was sent to the phone number entered on the previous screen.
    Note: If no verification code was received, select Resend to send a new code to the phone number.
  2. On the Upload Additional Documents screen, upload a photo copy of the front side and back side for each requested document. Methods include:
    • Upload File - Opens the photo gallery on the mobile device, where the user can select a photo to upload.
    • Open Camera - Opens the camera app so that the user can take a photo of the document to be uploaded to the app.
  3. The Pending Review screen shows the current status of the documents. Please wait until the Approved Application screen appears. 
  4. Select Done to continue to Step 3: Get Paid.

Complete Step 3: Get Paid.
  1. In the Pay Frequency section, choose how often funds should be transferred to your account: daily, weekly, or monthly.
  2. In the Payment Method section, select Payment card.
  3. Select Continue to move on to the next step, setting up the payment card in Access. 
On the Payment card screen of the R365, select Download App.
The App Store or Google Play Store opens on the Access by R365 download page.
When you first open Access, select Sign Up to create an account.
The Create Account screen appears.
Create the login credentials.
  1. In the Email field, enter the same email address used to sign in to the R365 mobile app.
  2. In the Password field, enter the password to use to sign in to your account.
  3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the same password exactly as it was entered it in the Password field to confirm that everything is spelled correctly.
  4. Select Continue.
    Congratulations! The account is created, and the user can now sign in to the Access mobile app at any time.

The Let's Get Started screen launches the onboarding process for the Access mobile app. Select Start.

Fill out the Individual Information form.
  1. In the First Name and Last Name fields, enter the user's first and last name.
  2. In the Mobile Phone Number field, enter the phone number that should be used to contact the user with information about the account.
  3. In the Email field, enter the email address that should be used to contact the user with information about the account.
  4. In the Date of Birth field, enter the date on the user's birth certificate.
  5. From the Nationality drop-down, select the country of which the user is a citizen.
  6. In the Social Security Number field, enter the user's social security number. 
  7. In the Income section, select the range which best matches the user's gross household income. Then, use the Source of Income drop-down to select the primary source of income
  8. Please review the documents by selecting the links on the screen and select the checkbox to agree to R365's terms and conditions for using the mobile app.
  9. Select Continue to move on the next step.

    Important Note: Consent is required to allow payment through Access. If the user does not agree to any of the terms and conditions stated in these documents, the manager and employee should discuss an alternate method of payment.

Verify the phone number and upload documents to provide proof of identity.
  1. On the Phone verification screen, enter the verification code that was sent to the phone number entered on the previous screen.
    Note: If no verification code was received, select Resend to send a new code to the phone number.
  2. Select Verify to continue.
  3. On the Upload Additional Documents screen, upload a photo copy of the front side and back side for each requested document. Methods include:
    • Upload File - Opens the photo gallery on the mobile device, where the user can select a photo to upload.
    • Open Camera - Opens the camera app so that the user can take a photo of the document to be uploaded to the app.
  4. The Pending Review screen shows the current status of the documents. Please wait until the Approved Application screen appears.
  5. Select Done to continue.
    Congratulations! The payment card is almost ready!

Return to the R365 mobile app and select Resume Onboarding.
On the Payment card screen, enter the account information associated with the new payment card and select Complete Onboarding.
Enjoy easy access to wages!

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